Patient Details View - Appointments
The Patient Details view details an individual patient's future and historical appointments.
Each heading in the Appointments section displays a maximum of 5 appointments, further appointments can be accessed by selecting the arrow >.
The view is split into:
- Scheduled appointments
- Completed appointments
- DNAs
- Cancelled appointments
The time frame for appointment history is defined in Preferences - Patient Data.
- > Displays full history for the category.
Use the drop-down list to change the time period:
- The last month
- the last 3 months
- the last 6 moth
- the last year
- the last 2 years
- the last 5 years
- the past
- Select the back arrow
to returns to the Patient Details view.
Edit Past Appointments
When an appointment is more than 7 days old you are unable to amend the appointment.
Prior to this, the appointment can be edited, select the appointment to access the booking form and update accordingly.